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As an attorney at AdamsIP, LLC, I have witnessed the power of mediation firsthand when it comes to resolving intellectual property (IP) disputes. From this perspective I often stress the importance of mediation as an alternative to litigation. In this blog post, I share why mediating IP disputes is often the best approach for all parties involved.


Patent infringement litigation can be costly. While the precise costs vary according to the value of the patent involved, legal fees in excess of $1 million are not uncommon in patent litigation, with total costs often climbing to several million dollars. Those fees and damages can easily put startups and other early-stage companies out of business. It is therefore essential for such companies to build a patent infringement avoidance strategy into their larger business and intellectual property strategies. After all, the best way to manage costly patent litigation is not to infringe on another company’s patent in the first place. Avoiding patent infringement often is easier said than done, but an Alabama patent litigation attorney can help you develop a plan that works for you.